Baldor Electric Company, P. O. Box 2400, Ft. Smith, AR 72902-2400, (479) 646-4711, Fax (479) 648-5792
Part No. MN781-SUP
(A42126) - Rev. D2 - 1/29/2004 - Z2746D02 Page 1 of 2
IMPORTANT: The following information and instructions are to be used as a supplement to the Installation and Operation
Manual (Part No. MN781) until the new manual is available with the addition of Model ID5602-CO. The manual must be read
and understood before attempting to operate this control.
Table 1 - Electrical Ratings
Catalog No.
Input Voltage
(Volts AC - 50/60 Hz)
Output Voltage
(Volts AC)
Horsepower Rating
(HP (kW))
Continuous Output
Load Current
(RMS Amps/Phase)
AC Line Input Current
(Amps AC)
ID5602-CO 115/230 0 - 230 1½* (1.13) 5.5** 22.0/14.0
Notes: * The control can operate most premium efficiency motors rated 2 HP.
** CL Trimpot Range (Amps AC): 3.5 - 10.5 (Factory Setting: 8.8).
Figure 1 - Mechanical Specification and Control Layout (Inches/mm)
The control is shown set for 115 Volts AC line input (Jumper J1 in the "115V" position).
For 230 Volts AC line input, set Jumper J1 to the "230V" position (factory setting).
This control has customer selectable jumpers which may have to be set before the control can be used. See Mechanical
Specifications and Control Layout, above, for the location of jumpers.
WARNING! Disconnect the AC line before changing position of jumpers.
1-1. AC Line Input Voltage Selection (Jumper J1 on Upper PC Board): The ID5602-CO can operate standard 208 -
control is factory set to operate from a 208/230 Volt AC line input (Jumper J1 in the "230V" position). To operate the
control from a 115 Volt AC line input, set Jumper J1 to the "115V" position. See Figures 2A and 2B, on next page.
WARNING! Do not change jumper position with the AC line connected.
WARNING! Be sure proper input voltage is applied to the control corresponding to jumper setting.
Connecting a 230 Volt AC line with Jumper J1 set to the "115V" position will permanently damage the
control. "115VAC" and "230VAC" labels are provided. Use the appropriate label to identify the correct input
voltage after setting Jumper J1. See Figures 2A and 2B on page 2 of this supplement.